Frequently Asked Questions

How is Acton Academy Hudson affiliated with Acton Academy?

Acton Academy Hudson is part of the network of over 300 Acton Academies around the world. We follow the same exact Learning Design (curriculum) and learning model that our owners helped create at the original Acton Academy campus.

What grades do you offer?

We will be launching a Spark studio (ages 3-5) and an Elementary School Studio (ages 6 to 11) starting fall 2024 with future plans to open a Middle School School Studio (ages 11 to 14) and a Launchpad Studio (14+) soon after.

Where will your school be located?

We are located just East of Hudson in the town of Roberts.

What is your Tuition?

Spark studio tuition is $7,500 per learner per year.

Discovery studio tuition is $8,400 per learner per year.

Is the Acton Academy a Montessori School?

We respect and incorporate Maria Montessori’s philosophy but, we are not definitively a Montessori school. We also use the latest interactive technologies, hands on projects and the Socratic Method for discussions.

Is Acton Academy Hudson a religious school?

We are a secular environment open to Believers, Searchers and Non-Believers alike and stress the historical significance of Christianity and Biblical text to the development of Western Civilization.

How is Acton Academy Hudson different from other schools?

Acton Academy Hudson is turning learning upside down in every sense of the experience. Learners are in control of their environment and of their own learning.

In an Acton studio, you will find:

  • No homework

  • No teachers lecturing

  • No grades

  • No tests

  • Real world projects and experiments

  • Socratic discussions

  • Learner self-governance

  • A guide, rather than a teacher

  • Apprenticeships to gauge interest in aptitudes

  • Achievement of badges and portfolios of completed work

Will an Acton education prepare my learner for college or university?

Our promise is to prepare and equip all learners for whatever future they choose. We will support them as they progress on their hero’s journey.

Who was Lord Acton?

Lord John Emerich Edward Dahlberg Acton (1834-1902) was a Victorian scholar of Freedom who saw liberty not as a license, but as the freedom to do what was right. He was suspicious of power for the sake of power, which led to his most famous quote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." At the Acton Academy, we celebrate his defense of economic, political and religious freedom.

What do you mean by “a hero's journey”?

We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, and a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose, in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. Our mission is to prepare your child for his or her special journey.

What is an "independent learner"?

Someone who can research questions, follow instructions, solve problems—admit that they don't know something and figure out a solution when they hit a roadblock without asking an adult for help — participate in discussions, and strive for mastery.

Will children be grouped into grades?

We believe that children learn best when working with children younger and older than themselves rather than split up into groups based solely on age. In addition to individualized learner driven plans, all ages of students work together in groups in each studio.

What do you mean by "every child can change the world"?

We believe each of our students will find a passion — something they love and have a gift to do. They will use this gift to serve others and fulfill a need they are passionate about in the world. This may be by becoming a shoe-shiner who tells stories and makes people's day just by doing his job with love and vigor; it may be by becoming a coach who sees the light in a child’s eyes and guides her to pursue a dream; it may be by becoming a father or mother who leads a family on a Hero's Journey; it may be becoming an entrepreneur or business leader guided by compassion and integrity; or it may be by becoming an artist or writer who brings beauty to people's lives.

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